If you are concerned that you have bed bugs, do not try to remove your mattress from your home. Dragging it through the house is likely to spread the infestation. Instead, keep everything stored in that one location. You can add a "bed bug cover" to the mattress to try and contain the problem, although you will need to be seen by a pest control specialist.
If you want to get rid of the ants around your house, sprinkle some borax powder near your home. This will help to poison the ants so that they are stopped in their tracks and cannot come back. This will help to temporarily eliminate the ant problem during certain seasons of the year.
Keep your home as clean as possible. Even though this will not keep pests away, you at least will not be giving them an incentive to stick around. Many pests can smell food from a good distance away. If you want to do whatever you can to reduce your pest problem you should be diligent in keeping your house tidy.
One of the ways that you can prevent mosquitoes from coming to your house is to eliminate the standing water that you have outdoors. This can be anything from a puddle to a kiddy pool, as you will want to drain all the water in these, especially in the summer.
You do not always have to call an exterminator when you are trying to get rid of mice. There are several methods you can use including glue traps and poison. If you are concerned with harming the mice, you can repel them with specially made electronic devices that emit sounds they don't like.
An easy way to control pests around your home is to always put food in air tight containers. Bugs are attracted all kinds of human food. When you reduce the access to this food by placing in air tight containers, you will reduce the chances of having a pest control problem.
If you have food out it should always be sealed. Food scents are a big attraction to a lot of pests. Also, when your trash is full, be sure to take it out right away. Trash is yet another source of alluring smells for the pests and should be avoided at all costs.
Believe it or not, there is big business in bugs. However, many problems can be solved if you can address it early enough. Review the information in this article when you have a pest problem. If you're able to take care of the problem quickly, you won't have to pay for exterminators. Stick to your routine and your home will be cleaner and pest-free.
We tend to have a lot of mosquitoes in and around our home. I'll have to see if there are any standing water pools around our home. Just like you say, I'll get rid of all those water pools, and see if that helps with the mosquitoes problem. http://www.greenleafpest.com